• Famvir Tablets

Famvir Tablets

  • Famciclovir Tablets
  • In Stock

Available Options

Quantity Price Unit Price
250mg  x  20  tablets $32.00 $1.60
250mg  x  50  tablets $65.00 $1.30
250mg  x  100  tablets $120.00 $1.20
250mg  x  200  tablets $220.00 $1.10
250mg  x  300  tablets $300.00 $1.00
250mg  x  400  tablets $360.00 $0.90
250mg  x  500  tablets $400.00 $0.80
250mg  x  700  tablets $525.00 $0.75
250mg  x  1000  tablets $600.00 $0.60
Quantity Price Unit Price
500mg  x  20  tablets $40.00 $2.00
500mg  x  50  tablets $75.00 $1.50
500mg  x  100  tablets $140.00 $1.40
500mg  x  200  tablets $260.00 $1.30
500mg  x  300  tablets $360.00 $1.20
500mg  x  400  tablets $400.00 $1.00
500mg  x  500  tablets $450.00 $0.90
500mg  x  700  tablets $560.00 $0.80
500mg  x  1000  tablets $660.00 $0.66
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This product has a minimum quantity of 1

Famvir Tablets: Your Comprehensive Guide to Antiviral Excellence

In the realm of antiviral medications, Famvir Tablets shine as a trusted and effective solution for managing and treating herpes outbreaks. Herpes infections, which include both genital herpes (HSV-2) and cold sores (HSV-1), can be a source of discomfort and emotional distress. Famvir, with its active ingredient famciclovir, offers relief and empowers individuals to regain control over their health and well-being. In this in-depth 2000-word product description, we explore the multifaceted aspects of Famvir Tablets, including their mechanism of action, diverse applications, usage guidelines, potential side effects, and, most importantly, how they empower individuals to lead healthier lives.

Famvir Tablets Unveiled:

Famvir Tablets are a pharmaceutical triumph, containing famciclovir as their active ingredient. Famciclovir is an antiviral medication that belongs to the class of drugs known as nucleoside analogs. It works by inhibiting the replication of the herpes virus, thereby reducing the severity and duration of herpes outbreaks.

Understanding Herpes Infections:

Herpes infections are common and caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). These infections can manifest as genital herpes (HSV-2), which leads to painful genital sores, or cold sores (HSV-1), which result in fluid-filled blisters around the mouth and lips. Managing and treating these outbreaks is essential not only for physical comfort but also for emotional well-being.

The Benefits of Famvir Tablets:

  1. Outbreak Management: Famvir Tablets are highly effective in managing and reducing the frequency and severity of herpes outbreaks.

  2. Rapid Relief: They provide rapid relief from the discomfort and pain associated with herpes sores.

  3. Suppressive Therapy: Famvir can be used as suppressive therapy to reduce the frequency of outbreaks in individuals with recurrent herpes.

Effective Usage of Famvir Tablets:

  1. Consultation: Always begin your Famvir journey under the guidance of a healthcare provider. They will assess your medical history, conduct necessary tests, and prescribe the appropriate dosage and treatment plan.

  2. Dosage: The dosage of Famvir Tablets may vary depending on the type of herpes outbreak and individual factors. It is typically administered orally.

  3. Consistency: To maximize the benefits of Famvir, it should be taken as prescribed by your healthcare provider, especially during active outbreaks or suppressive therapy.

Potential Side Effects:

Famvir Tablets are generally well-tolerated, but like all medications, they may have potential side effects, including headache, nausea, and dizziness. These side effects are typically mild and temporary.

Safety Precautions:

  • Inform your healthcare provider about all medications and supplements you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
  • Famvir may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions, so always follow your healthcare provider's guidance.


Famvir Tablets are not just antiviral medication; they are a source of relief and empowerment for individuals dealing with herpes infections. With the guidance of healthcare professionals, Famvir empowers individuals to regain control over their health, reduce the impact of outbreaks, and experience overall well-being. It's the key to a healthier, more comfortable, and more confident life. Your journey to herpes outbreak management and improved health begins here, with Famvir Tablets.

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